ICHI00 Internet sensation and renowned Guitarist Ichika Nito, gained his global following and reputation through a unique combination of complex techniques and an easily identifiable signature sound. He captivates music fans and musicians alike with his unconventional, experimental style and a wholly original musical approach, through which he has become a favorite player and a major influence to players around the world. Ichika has chosen the Ibanez Talman shape as his second signature guitar. The Talman is Ichika's trademark guitar, and he has spent a lot of time with it in his music career. It is equipped with three "ICHI-S” pickups jointly developed by Ichika and Ibanez to perfectly express the "Ichika sound". A Roasted maple neck gives the guitar a richer clean tone and matches the tapping style Ichika is well known for. The Ibanez ICHI00 (“Ichi zero”)-VWH incorporates many of Ichika's ideas and is essential to his ever-evolving musical style.
Wizard C Roasted Maple neck
The Roasted Maple neck is heat-treated to increase stability, durability, moisture resistance and tolerance of temperature changes. To meet the demand of various playing styles, this Wizard C neck has a very neutral shape – it’s not too thick, too thin, or too flat.
Rosewood fretboard
Rosewood fretboard provides a well-balanced solid tone with a focused mid range.
Medium frets
Medium sized frets enhance the accuracy of your notes.
Nyatoh body
Nyatoh used as the body wood provides a rich mid-low end.
ICHI-S pickups
Ichika and Ibanez jointly developed these ''ICHI-S'' pickups to perfectly express the ''Ichika sound''.
Gotoh® MG-T locking machine heads
The Gotoh® MG-T locking machine heads achieve incredible tuning stability, cutting down string-changing time.
T106 tremolo
The T106 tremolo bridge with 6 independent saddles makes precise height and intonation adjustment of each string easy.
Luminescent side dots
The luminescent side dot position marks make it easy for players to see fretboard position marks when performing on dark stages.