Few Necrons awaken from stasis-sleep with fully functioning consciousness. Most arise addled by the long slumber, their wits and reason slow to come fully online. Not so Anrakyr - he rose from dormancy with his mind intact and a great purpose foremost in his mind: to reunite the dynasties. Embracing this as his destiny, Anrakyr abdicated all responsibility to his own Tomb World of Pyrrhia and led an army into the stars.
Anrakyr the Traveller is an incredibly detailed Citadel Finecast model. With a bold stance, in one hand he grips his enormous warscythe, which comes replete with an orb. His other wargear includes a tachyon arrow, which is mounted upon his wrist. Adorned with Necron iconography, orbs and numerous dynastic glyphs, Anrakyr the Traveller is the perfect model to lead your Necron army into battle.
This is a finely detailed resin cast kit, and contains five components and a 25mm round base with which to make Anrakyr the Traveller.
This kit is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints.
Administratum Grey - $5.40
Ahriman Blue - $5.40
Alaitoc Blue - $5.40
Altdorf Guard Blue - $5.40
Auric Armour Gold - $5.40
Balor Brown - $5.40
Baneblade Brown - $5.40
Citadel Layer Paint
Abaddon Black - $5.40
Averland Sunset - $5.40
Balthasar Gold - $5.40
Barak-Nar Burgundy - $5.40
Bugman's Glow - $5.40
Caledor Sky - $5.40
Caliban Green - $5.40
Citadel Base Paint
Aeldari Emerald - $9.40
Aethermatic Blue - $9.40
Aggaros Dunes - $9.40
Akhelian Green - $9.40
Apothecary White - $9.40
Basilicanum Grey - $9.40
Black Templar - $9.40
Citadel Contrast Paint
Agrax Earthshade - $9.40
Agrax Earthshade Gloss - $9.40
Athonian Camoshade - $9.40
Biel-Tan Green - $9.40
Coelia Greenshade - $9.40
Druchii Violet - $9.40
Fuegan Orange - $9.40
Citadel Shade Paint