Citadel Base Paint

Regular price $5.40 2 in stock
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Abaddon Black
Averland Sunset
Balthasar Gold
Barak-Nar Burgundy
Bugman's Glow
Caledor Sky
Caliban Green
Castellan Green
Catachan Fleshtone
Celestra Grey
Corax White
Corvus Black
Daemonette Hide
Death Guard Green
Death Korps Drab
Deathworld Forest
Dryad Bark
Gal Vorbak Red
Grey Knights Steel
Grey Seer
Hobgrot Hide
Incubi Darkness
Ionrach Skin
Iron Hands Steel
Iron Warriors
Jokaero Orange
Kantor Blue
Khorne Red
Lupercal Green
Macragge Blue
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Mephiston Red
Morghast Bone
Mournfang Brown
Naggaroth Night
Night Lords Blue
Nocturne Green
Orruk Flesh
Phoenician Purple
Rakarth Flesh
Ratskin Flesh
Retributor Armour
Rhinox Hide
Screamer Pink
Screaming Bell
Steel Legion Drab
Stegadon Scale Green
The Fang
Thondia Brown
Thousand Sons Blue
Waaagh! Flesh
Warplock Bronze
Zandri Dust
Runelord Brass
    • Specially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count
    • Pot size: 12ml

    Abaddon Black - $5.40
    Averland Sunset - $5.40
    Balthasar Gold - $5.40
    Barak-Nar Burgundy - $5.40
    Bugman's Glow - $5.40
    Caledor Sky - $5.40
    Caliban Green - $5.40
    Castellan Green - $5.40
    Catachan Fleshtone - $5.40
    Celestra Grey - $5.40
    Corax White - $5.40
    Corvus Black - $5.40
    Daemonette Hide - $5.40
    Death Guard Green - $5.40
    Death Korps Drab - $0.00
    Deathworld Forest - $5.40
    Dryad Bark - $5.40
    Gal Vorbak Red - $0.00
    Grey Knights Steel - $0.00
    Grey Seer - $5.40
    Hobgrot Hide - $5.40
    Incubi Darkness - $5.40
    Ionrach Skin - $5.40
    Iron Hands Steel - $0.00
    Iron Warriors - $5.40
    Jokaero Orange - $5.40
    Kantor Blue - $5.40
    Khorne Red - $5.40
    Leadbelcher - $5.40
    Lupercal Green - $0.00
    Macragge Blue - $5.40
    Mechanicus Standard Grey - $5.40
    Mephiston Red - $5.40
    Morghast Bone - $5.40
    Mournfang Brown - $5.40
    Naggaroth Night - $5.40
    Night Lords Blue - $0.00
    Nocturne Green - $0.00
    Orruk Flesh - $5.40
    Phoenician Purple - $5.40
    Rakarth Flesh - $5.40
    Ratskin Flesh - $5.40
    Retributor Armour - $5.40
    Rhinox Hide - $5.40
    Screamer Pink - $5.40
    Screaming Bell - $5.40
    Steel Legion Drab - $5.40
    Stegadon Scale Green - $5.40
    The Fang - $5.40
    Thondia Brown - $5.40
    Thousand Sons Blue - $5.40
    Waaagh! Flesh - $5.40
    Warplock Bronze - $5.40
    Wraithbone - $5.40
    XV-88 - $5.40
    Zandri Dust - $5.40
    Runelord Brass - $7.40

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