Lord Borak the Despoiler returns as guest editor for the 2019 update! This issue combines all the content from four full issues of Spike! Journal, including the full rules for the Champions of Death, Greenfield Grasshuggers, Athelorn Avengers, and Gwaka’moli Crater Gators (that’s issues 4-7 if you're counting).
Not only does it bring together every team and player profile, each editorial, a run-down of each team's tactics, and a whole lot of gossip from across these four fantastic issues, but it also features a showcase of beautifully painted miniatures in a variety of team colours.
Of course, that’s not everything this compilation covers – you’ll find a comprehensive and up-to-date FAQ for Blood Bowl, and an updated list of Star Player profiles. We've also included the rules for special pitches and balls for the Shambling Undead, Halfling, Wood Elf, and Lizardmen teams.
Administratum Grey - $5.40
Ahriman Blue - $5.40
Alaitoc Blue - $5.40
Altdorf Guard Blue - $5.40
Auric Armour Gold - $5.40
Balor Brown - $5.40
Baneblade Brown - $5.40
Citadel Layer Paint
Abaddon Black - $5.40
Averland Sunset - $5.40
Balthasar Gold - $5.40
Barak-Nar Burgundy - $5.40
Bugman's Glow - $5.40
Caledor Sky - $5.40
Caliban Green - $5.40
Citadel Base Paint
Aeldari Emerald - $9.40
Aethermatic Blue - $9.40
Aggaros Dunes - $9.40
Akhelian Green - $9.40
Apothecary White - $9.40
Basilicanum Grey - $9.40
Black Templar - $9.40
Citadel Contrast Paint
Agrax Earthshade - $9.40
Agrax Earthshade Gloss - $9.40
Athonian Camoshade - $9.40
Biel-Tan Green - $9.40
Coelia Greenshade - $9.40
Druchii Violet - $9.40
Fuegan Orange - $9.40
Citadel Shade Paint